CBT Men’s Club Page
Men's Club has begun a new series, beginning in this month's Torah Times, called Mensch of the Month. Thank you to Jerry Leibman for inspiring the idea, and to Ray Leonard for penning the first article. Look for more articles in the upcoming months.
Men's Club has been asked to help upkeep the synagogue grounds such as yard work, tree trimming, mulching and other more. We'll plan a date in the first part of 2025, it would be a mitzvah to have a strong turnout.
Upcoming events: MEN’S CLUB
- Lunch and Learn - February 23, 12:00 noon
- Synagogue Grounds Cleanup - Thursday, Feb 27, 1:00 pm
- Shalom School Purim Carnival - Sunday, March 9, 9:00 am
- Visiting Sefer Haftarah Scroll - Friday, March 21 & Saturday, March 22
- Hearing Men's Voices - Sunday, March 23, 10:30 am
- Yom Hashoah - April 23
- FJMC International Convention - Chicago - July 3rd-6th
Please RSVP to Mark at cbtobmensclub@gmail.com or call/text 314-604-5618
Our congregant, Ray Leonard, who is a retired executive in the Oil industry, will be leading a "Lunch and Learn" discussion on the subject of "Climate Change from an Oil Man's Perspective" on February 23, at noon at CBT.
We're planning even more, such as 'Boys Night Out', helping with the religious school's Purim Carnival, Men's Club/Sisterhood Shabbat, a Passover fundraiser, Yellow Candles for Yom Hashoah, and more.
You can always check the Men's Club page on the
CBT Website: https://www.mybnaitorah.org/mensclub.html
As always, let me know if you have a great idea for the Men's Club? Contact me: 314-604-5618 cbtobmensclub@gmail.com
Thanks! Mark Givarz, CBT Men's Club President